791 Purchasing Cooperative Statement on EDGAR Requirements Since the new EDGAR requirements were released, 791 Purchasing Cooperative has received many questions asking if the cooperative contracts offered through 791 Purchasing Cooperative meet EDGAR requirements. Our lead agencies award their cooperative contracts through a process that complies with their applicable federal, state, and local laws. All 791 Purchasing Cooperative contracts are awarded through a public competitive solicitation process that is consistent, well-documented, and publicly viewable. All solicitation process and contract documentation are available on this website to assist agencies in determining if the processes followed are compliant with EDGAR or any other requirements agencies wish to comply with prior to accessing a cooperative contract. 791 Purchasing Cooperative does not provide any assurances to participating agencies that the processes utilized by lead agencies meet participating agencies’ unique internal compliance requirements, but we hope the information we provide is valuable to you in confirming compliance independently. At 791 Purchasing Cooperative, we want to simplify procurement for our participants. We value our reputation for transparency and compliance above all. Please contact your dedicated 791 Purchasing Cooperative Regional Manager if you would like to discuss the requirements further. 791 Purchasing Cooperative, Public Sector is proud to support the public procurement profession through our sponsorship and exhibition at over 130 conferences each year. Featured events include: FAPPO, CAPPO, NAEP, NIGP, NPI, NACUFS, FAPPO, ASBO, ISTE, TACS, SNA, East and West, as well as many other regional shows. We look forward to seeing you there!