• P.O. Box 592867,San Antonio, TX 78259 USA

Education Associates, Inc

Education Associates, Inc

For over 40 years, Education Associates has supplied the most comprehensive career education, job preparation and life skills programs for all learners, including those with special needs and at risk. Our dynamic curriculum provides a blended/hybrid approach to support the best of both worlds: hands-on learning and remote learning. Students can perform activities with both Project Discovery and Achieve Life Skills while at home and then pick up back in the classroom, never missing a beat!

Contract No: 791202005013 Education Curriculum, Products, and Services


  Timothy Hagan
  (502) 244-6944
  Jessica Braden
  (502) 244-6944

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202005013 Proof Of Publication 05/27/2022
791202005013 Original RFP 05/27/2022

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202005013 Bid Tabulations 05/31/2022
791202005013 Award Letter 05/31/2022
791202005013 Vendor Contract 05/31/2022

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