Brewster's Guacamaya Enterprises
Brewster's Guacamaya Enterprises is an Educational Bilingual / Dual Language Literature Program Based on Higher Thinking Skills and Critical Thinking SUPPLEMENTAL Objectives and Curriculum Studies.
Contract No: 791202005015 Library & Text Books and Subscription ServicesContacts
Contacts |
Frank Brewster III |
(956) 907-0535 |
fbrewsteriii@yahoo.com |
Contract Documentation
Contract | Document | Date |
791202005015 | Original RFP | 06/13/2022 |
791202005015 | Proof Of Publication | 06/13/2022 |
Vendor Documentation
Contract | Document | Date |
791202005015 | Award Letter | 06/13/2022 |
791202005015 | Bid Tabulations | 06/13/2022 |
791202005015 | Vendor Contract | 06/20/2022 |