• P.O. Box 592867,San Antonio, TX 78259 USA

All Traffic Solutions

All Traffic Solutions

We provide portable radar speed and variable message signs that help reduce speeding, collect traffic data, and share custom messages. Our signs can be easily managed remotely using our patented TraffiCloud® software. They are made in the USA, are highly durable, and are backed by the best warranty on the market so you can rely on them for years to come.

Contract No: 791202303001 Security Products, Equipment and Services


  Michael Current
  (945) 218-5900
  Kabir Uddin
  (571) 521-3133
  Jodi Rowe
  (866) 366-6602 340

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202303001 Original RFP 05/23/2023
791202303001 Proof Of Publication 05/23/2023

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202303001 Award Letter 05/24/2023
791202303001 Bid Tabulations 05/24/2023
791202303001 Vendor Contract 05/24/2023

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