• P.O. Box 592867,San Antonio, TX 78259 USA



Ecolane is the industry-leading provider of intelligent web-based transit scheduling software. Combining a powerful and intuitive demand-response platform, Ecolane software enables transit providers increased productivity, streamline efficiency, and outstanding client satisfaction.

Contract No: 791202309002 Mobility As A Service and Solutions


  Dana Slachta
  (302) 354-5622

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309002 Original RFP 11/01/2024
791202309002 Proof Of Publication 12/06/2023

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309002 Award Letter 12/07/2023
791202309002 Bid Tabulations 12/07/2023
791202309002 Vendor Contract 12/06/2023
791202309002 Other Vendors Documents 02/10/2025

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