IHS Pharmacy
IHS Pharmacy specializes in providing medication and pharmaceutical services to city, county, and private correctional facilities. Currently IHS serves more than 400 correctional facilities in 18 states. IHS's correctional facilities range in size from the smallest city jail with just a few on medication, to large private prisons and detention facilities with capacity in excess of 1500 inmates. IHS provides medication for 34 correctional facilities in Texas.
Awarded contract 791202103006
Jail Inmate Medical and Pharmacy ServicesContacts
Contacts |
Myra Sanderson |
(800) 638-3104 |
myras@ihspharmacy.com |
Contract Documentation
Contract | Document | Date |
791202103006 | Original RFP | 05/11/2022 |
791202103006 | Proof Of Publication | 05/11/2022 |
Vendor Documentation
Contract | Document | Date |
791202103006 | Award Letter | 05/12/2022 |
791202103006 | Vendor Contract | 05/12/2022 |
791202103006 | Bid Tabulation | 05/12/2022 |