• P.O. Box 592867,San Antonio, TX 78259 USA

Therapro Inc

Therapro Inc

We provide therapists, teachers, parents and other caregivers with the highest quality and most economical therapeutic and educational resources for all ages and abilities, from kids to adults. Our goal is to provide unique speech and occupational therapy supplies for preventive, developmental, and rehabilitative care. With the right tools, including occupational therapy assessments and evaluations, kids and adult activities, games, products and toys, developing gross motor skills, fine motor skills and communication skills is less frustrating, and will result in better outcomes in a shorter period of time.

Awarded contract 791202005016

Special Education Products and Services


  Karen Weihrauch
  (508) 872-9494
  Doug Weihrauch
  (508) 283-5055

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202005016 Proof Of Publication 06/13/2022
791202005016 Original RFP 06/13/2022

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202005016 Vendor Contract 06/14/2022
791202005016 Award Letter 06/14/2022
791202005016 Bid Tabulations 06/14/2022

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