• P.O. Box 592867,San Antonio, TX 78259 USA

Spare Labs

Spare Labs

As transit evolves at an increasing pace, agencies are seeking a new approach to more innovative, customer-focused, future-proof transit services. Spare Labs Inc.’s (Spare) user-friendly, on-demand solution can seamlessly be scaled and customized to meet a Contracting Entity’s current and future needs. Our innovative technology for route and fleet optimization gives Contracting Entities the freedom to respond to fluctuating demand in their on-demand network consisting of any combination of microtransit, ADA paratransit, or NEMT services. The ability to set their own service hours, zones and route parameters gives them the flexibility to expand and include new communities, serviced by their own fleet or complemented by non-dedicated providers.

Awarded contract 791202309002

Mobility As A Service and Solutions


  Kristoffer Vik Hansen
  (778) 200-1951
  Kristen Lau
  (512) 866-8012

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309002 Original RFP 11/01/2024
791202309002 Proof Of Publication 12/06/2023

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309002 Award Letter 12/07/2023
791202309002 Bid Tabulations 12/07/2023
791202309002 Vendor Contract 05/07/2024

Awarded contract 791202309001

Mobility Software and Solutions


  Kristen Lau
  (512) 866-8012
  Kristoffer Vik Hansen
  (778) 200-1951
  Kristen Lau
  (512) 866-8012

Contract Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309001 Proof Of Publication 11/22/2023
791202309001 Original RFP 11/01/2024
791202309001 Evaluation Documents 11/13/2023

Vendor Documentation

Contract Document Date
791202309001 Award Letter 11/13/2023
791202309001 Vendor Contract 11/13/2023

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