791 Purchasing Cooperative serves public agencies in all 50 states.
We get our name from
791 Cooperative Lead Agencies.

Who can Become a 791 Participant?.
791Coop Overview
WHY 791 Coop? 791 Purchasing Cooperative is a leading government purchasing cooperative with Texas lead government agencies Region 15 ESC and The Central Texas Council of Governments. We compliantly and competitively bid contracts for member agencies to use to satisfy the competitive bid laws. Cooperative purchasing saves time and money by combining purchasing power, creating efficiencies, and making the process easier for public agencies and vendors. Save Time. Save Money. Stay Compliant. 791 Purchasing Cooperative is a leading national public cooperative purchasing organization that provides publicly procured, competitively solicited contracts for a wide array of products and services. We follow public procurement guidelines to ensure our members stay in compliance. Purchase through our contracts to save time and money you can reinvest in fulfilling your organization’s purpose. The 791 Coop Difference. We are a Member-Driven organization that embodies the power of partnership. 791Coop operates with the guiding principle that when the objectives of buyers and sellers are aligned, sustainable value is created, transcending that of the typical short-term transactional relationship. With this differentiated approach, 791Coop is not just a cooperative purchasing organization; we are a family. Lead Agency Region 15 Education Service Center Region 15 Education Service Center is one of twenty service centers in the State of Texas. We serve public schools and charters in 18 counties, extending more than 25,000 square miles. Education Service Centers are non-regulatory agencies and serve as a liaison between the Texas Education Agency and schools in improving student performance, operating efficiently and economically, and implementing initiatives assigned by the Texas Legislature or the Commissioner of Education. We strive to provide high quality professional development and support to our regional school districts in order to ensure the future success of our students. Working together, we will have an impact on our students and thus our future. Lead Agency The Central Texas Council of Governments The Central Texas Council of Governments helps local communities work cooperatively to improve the conditions and well-being of Central Texans. Whether reaching out to elders in need of at-home or nursing home assistance, helping a family find a safe and affordable home, providing essential transportation planning, or keeping you safe through emergency and security programs, we serve with compassion, dedication, and professionalism. Procurement compliance involves efforts to equip procurement activities with guidelines and policies that comply with procurement laws and regulations. Procurement compliance aims to ensure that vendors, contracts, and purchases influenced by the procurement department will not risk organizations legally and financially.